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Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cara sederhana turunkan Berat Badan dengan Air Putih

Kabar baik berhembus untuk anda yang ingin menurunkan berat badan. Telah hadir cara mujarab yang murah, mudah didapat, dan tanpa efek samping: Air Putih

Loh, kok bisa? Dalam Pertemuan Nasional Masyarakat Kimia Amerika di Boston, peneliti membeberkan penelitian yang membuktikan menenggak dua gelas air putih sebelum makan bisa menghilangkan lemak berlebih. Pakar nutrisi dari Universitas Virginia Tech Amerika Serikat, Brenda Davy, menyimpulkan orang dewasa yang minum dua gelas, masing-masing berukuran 226 gram, air putih sebelum makan, bisa menekan kalori 75 sampai 90 kalori dalam konsumsi mereka.

Penelitiannya melibatkan 48 orang dengan usia 55-75 tahun, yang dibagi dua kelompok: minum dua gelas air putih sebelum makan dan makan seperti biasa. Panganan diberikan tiga kali sehari, berupa makanan rendah kalori.

Setelah 12 pekan, semua peserta berhasil menurunkan berat badannya. Namun kelompok yang minum air putih sebelum makan bisa menurunkan berat lebih banyak, yaitu sekitar 7 kilogram. Sedangkan kelompok yang makan seperti biasa cuma 4,9 kilogram. 'Kita harus minum lebih banyak air putih, ini cara yang mudah mengatur berat badan,' kata Davy seperti dikutip Science Daily, Selasa (24/8).

Menurut Davy, mengisi perut dengan air putih sebelum makan dapat mengurangi rasa lapar. 'Sehingga kita mengurangi asupan kalori,' katanya. Air putih juga mengurangi kebutuhan manusia akan minuman manis dan bersoda, yang mengandung banyak kalori. Sekaleng minuman soda berukuran 350 mili liter, katanya, mengandung kalori setara dengan 10 sendok teh gula.

Davy merekomendasikan asupan cairan, termasuk air putih, yang dibutuhkan perempuan adalah 9 gelas per hari dan 13 gelas bagi laki-laki. Kelewat banyak menenggak air, walaupun jarang terjadi, bisa menimbulkan keracunan.

dari berbagai sumber

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Know Your Healthy Sex

10 Points Secret Sensitive Female Body

Curiosity is the very nature of every man. So also in matters of sex. Probably, almost all men wondered, actually, at which point it's crazy that a woman can be touched?
It's your lucky day. Because, there are 10 points 'vulnerable' in the body of a woman who 'going to surrender' to the touch. So, you can practice on your wife, especially when he's 'Strike'!

1. Your lips should not miss this section just because you're too eager to do exploration in other parts. Therefore, a woman's lips can be manipulated in such a way that he will feel excited, stimulated, both loved the same time.
Kissing lips to give everything a woman needs when making the connection. Especially when having sex. If you ever reach the top in the state of your kiss, feel the sensation of pleasure. Guaranteed, you sure Fulfilled.

2. This one's genitalia is not really to be debated at all. Based on experience, this area is indeed love the game so the final destination. Even so, in fact you can use it in foreplay. Try a variety of ways. The key is only one, do it gently.
While berekspedisi, you can also try to find the G-spot, or a deep U-spot-spot famous. In these areas, the greatest female sexual feelings when stimulated. Once a place to meet, the softest touch will give a pleasant sensation and unusual. If it was not met - as usual - look for is quite exciting, right?

3. I think wrist weird, right. But, maybe that's why experts recommend that women whose fashion perfume around her wrist. Because, there is a sensitive pulse there. She'll be impressed if you explore this area.

4. Breast is the part that could be the first thing you remember from the body of a woman. You see, in addition to a beautiful shape, the location is indeed very sensitive to stimulation. Its form also makes you free to do touch in whatever form. Find out whether your spouse would rather you do it with a soft, or slightly rough.

5. Many women are happy feet touched and massaged her feet. Understandably, after walking around all day, must be part of this whining for attention. Gently caress on your toes, feet, and heels, is also good business for foreplay.

6. Touch the ears in this area is very exciting. Begin with a whisper soft and erotic. And continue to kiss you back.

7. Neck Just breathing around here it will make your wife 'throe'. Imagine if your hands or lips that 'play'. This location is also good to be the target of your famous massages it. It must make you Irresistible.

8. Rump Try your hand addressed to it, you'll feel the excitement.

9. Because all the nerve behind the knee over the back of the knee, this area was also 'full submission'. Treat it gently.

10. This section of the inner thigh is very sensitive to touch, because there are a lot of nerves there. But you can not treat them harshly so sensitive.

Good Luck ^___^